
SYNERGISE assembles a diverse group of international practitioners and an extensive testing program, expanding stakeholder engagement. This is facilitated through activities like creating connections and partnerships with relevant local, national, and pan-European initiatives as well as participating and organizing events. The project aims to strategize and enhance engagement within the multidisciplinary user community, focusing on stakeholder needs and priorities to broaden the ecosystem’s size, reach, and impact, building on SYNERGISE’s strong existing networks.
Project Advisory board
Steve Gadsdon
Project Advisory Board
National Resilience at NFCC, ret. Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service, UK
Sven Rea
Project Advisory Board
Estonian Rescue Board – Ministry of the Interior, Estonia
Gerry Doucette
Project Advisory Board
Centre for Security Science at Defence Research and Development, Canada
Ron Mcneal
Project Advisory Board
United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), US
Michelle Royal
Project Advisory Board
FirstLink Research and Analytics, US
Gianmario Gnecchi
Project Advisory Board
Italian Fire Brigades, CNVVF, Italy
Jean-Martin Jaspers
Project Advisory Board
French Police, Ministry of Interior, France
Simon Dunne
Project Advisory Board
Swedish Police, Sweden
Ethics Advisory board
Mistale Taylor
Ethics Advisory Board
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Katrina Peterson
Ethics Advisory Board
Public Safety Communication Europe (PSCE), Belgium
Galatea Kapellakou
Ethics Advisory Board
University of Patras, Greece
Irene Keremidou
Ethics Advisory Board
Hellenic Civil Protection, Greece
Network of linked projects
The SYNERGISE project aims to leverage the knowledge and experiences gained from both completed and ongoing projects, cultivating a culture of shared learning and active collaboration. In order to enhance the impact of each project, we will strategically promote collaboration. Additionally, to broaden our outreach, we will consistently assess potential partnerships with additional projects.

Subterranean Darpa Challenge




APOS-EU Project

DHS FIRST RESPONDER Smart Tracking Challenge













National & international security networks
The SYNERGISE project partners will actively collaborate with the existing national, EU and International security and civil protection related networks and initiatives. This activity forms the bases for the shaping the security research and development and related policy frameworks to enhance the response capacities of the first response organisations.

INSARAG is a global network of more than 90 countries and organizations under the United Nations umbrella. INSARAG deals with urban search and rescue (USAR) related issues, aiming to establish minimum international standards for USAR teams and methodology for international coordination in earthquake response based on the INSARAG Guidelines endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 57/150 of 2002, on “Strengthening the Effectiveness and Coordination of International Urban Search and Rescue Assistance”.

The International Forum to Advance First Responder Innovation focuses on enhancing and expanding the development of affordable technology and innovative solutions to improve first responder safety, efficiency and effectiveness.

Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS)
Aiming to facilitate interactions within the security research community and users of research outputs, in 2014 the Commission established the Community of Users for Safe, Secure and Resilient Societies (CoU), which gathered around 1,500 registered stakeholders (policy makers, end-users, academia, industry and civil society) and regularly held thematic events with the security research community. Now named the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS), this platform continues and expands the work of the CoU, in light of the forthcoming Horizon Europe developments between 2021-2027.

CMINE- RTC Cluster
CMINE Responder Technology Cluster (RTC) is an informal, voluntary subset of the CERIS Disaster Resilient Societies (DRS) community made-up of those projects working on related research areas under the DRS framework. It promotes good practices in research through collaboration and to recognise opportunities for efficiency wherever appropriate through combined activity such as dissemination events.