The SYNERGISE project's program for integration, testing, and validation activities optimizes the SYNERGISE tool for first responders' safety and effectiveness in life-saving missions

Testing activities

SYNERGISE - subheadline

SYNERGISE delivers a Novel Integrated Toolkit for Collaborative Response and Enhanced Situational Awareness (NIT-CRES), at the service of response agencies (search and rescue personnel, fire brigades, emergency medical, police and civil protection agencies) which ensures an upgrade to managing of complex incidents. To do so, the project builds upon the inter-disciplinary approach comprising several iterations and extensive training and testing, on incrementally building the prototypes of the SYNERGISE tools and services into an integrated and reliable toolkit, easily and speedily deployable, cost effective, modular, and seamlessly interconnected. As such, an agile development process will be implemented, incorporating functional and non-functional evaluations made through laboratory and field integration and testing. The steps towards the delivery of SYNERGISE prototypes are described as follows:

Round tables

Technical integration workshop

Collaborative lab tests

Component field tests

System field tests

Demonstration Conference

Round tables

Round table workshops (RTs) of the project to

  • allow gathering of requirements and operational specification by the international group of users comprising the consortium and the User Advisory Board (UAB) for appropriately designing and developing the toolkit and its prototypes and
  • demonstrate mock ups or functional prototypes as the development process evolves towards better understanding of offered functionalities, enhancement of market penetration and acceptance of the SYNERGISE solutions.

Technical integration workshop

A technical integration workshop (TIWS) is realised for technical partners to achieve interconnection among protypes in terms of data exchanged, interfaces utilised, and formats applied.

Collaborative lab tests

Collaborative lab tests (CLTs) will be realised, in which the technical partners will present early versions of the prototypes and provide mock-up with the final envisaged functionalities to allow users reflect upon operational challenges to be solved and tasks to be realised whilst providing user feedback for subsequent development stages.

Component field tests

Component field tests (CFTs) to pave the way for system testing and validation whilst allowing the users to operate the current versions of the prototypes in a realistic but controlled field environment. All CFTs include training of the users on the operation of the given tool, testing against realistic use cases, verification of expected functions and validation against pre-defined KPIs and benchmarks.

System field tests

In the same process, the integrated system will be tested and validated in the context of 2 system field tests (SFTs) in which complex incident scenarios will be put in motion.

Demonstration Conference

In the final phase of the project, the integrated tool kit will be demonstrated to a wider audience to faciliate the outreach and uptake of the project’s results.

Notably, as users are involved throughout the above activities, training is continuously realised providing them with an advanced level of understanding on operating and deploying equipment and services as well as exploiting the SYNERGISE capabilities to its fullest.

Finally, the project envisions a Demonstration Conference that will facilitate wide outreach and presentation of the project results.